Saturday, October 17, 2015

World, So - So

When I am on a high, and up so high
I can sense you all, but it's all clouded
Clouds so many, so near and so far
Flight I take, into my own, own world
Eclipsed by me, this world so small
Peeves, even deepest, are all pressed out
I am pressed out too..

When I lie low and so very low
I can't sense you all, but it's all very clear
Clarity like pure, like vacuum everywhere
Escape I do, into my own, but your world
Eclipsed by you, this world so big
Joys, even shortest, are all despised
I am scorned too..

When I exist, so normal and so-so
Sense I make and at times I don't
Hovering me, lose and gain, wavering
Mingle I get to, with you, you and you too
Eclipsed by our flux, this world used up
Ideas, even slightest, are all partaken
I am shared too..

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