Thursday, July 14, 2016


My feet at the foothills and eyes on hilltop
Arms wide, broad for a hug to embrace the elation
Breath deep to refresh soul and eyes new to witness heaven
Thoughts gone, worries away. Only you and me, my hill

Messages from heaven are songs from your birds
Passage to salvation those trekking routes
Grace in your strength gives spring in my walk
Calm in your gaze assures my place in present

Monday, July 4, 2016

Stream down the hill

Is it a roll or a dance
Song or a calling
Nectar from heavens
Spirit of my body

Sings when I close eyes
Dances in my gaze
Lifts my thoughts to skies
Drenches my joys in even more joy

Unwinds my busy day
Pulls me into a world of angels
Enlivens tiring moments
Delight my existence


Her annoyance was like pleats of her saree.  Layered, symmetrical, tucked gently under a calm surface  Yet on days it was a riot of asymmetr...