Sunday, September 18, 2016

Where else do i go?

I came back to you! Where else do I go?

But to the lamp that you light with such care

To the grace that you bring to welcome the darkness

To the charm that you spread to enjoy the stillness

And the eyes bowing down - revering the flame

Draped in elegance, teaching what is poise

That you exist quiet on my wall in these magic colours

I can look at you for ever and lose in your Muse

I come back to you! Where else do I go?

To SL Haldankar - the artist

Sunday, September 11, 2016


This is my mark; I am planting it here

The itch to leave a mark on this canvas ready to feel me

The joy to see my mark resting as ink dried and clear on you

Knowledge that once it is read back will enliven the time that's passing as I write

Although my handiwork - its not entirely mine. Its as much yours when you read it

You own it when you read - but you will feel me, embrace my thoughts as you own it

While most mark their territory in space by placing their marks

I am marking a territory - or what is it be called - by passing this on to your minds and hearts - these my marks

Thereafter - its not just my territory, its all of us. our space

That's the joy, the itch - creating virtual geography and yet real, very real that can evolve or dissolve. Live and die like us - you, me, us


Her annoyance was like pleats of her saree.  Layered, symmetrical, tucked gently under a calm surface  Yet on days it was a riot of asymmetr...