Thursday, December 20, 2018

No, my night. Please don't

My night, you are the succour to the tired
The bewitching goddess for the fatigued
Where the fake stars accept their sham at your altar
You, the calm witness to the struggles of the spirit
You, the bold company of the lonely souls

And you my night, why do you chase the Sun?
The lowly Sun that only bestows fake masks
The inhibitions of timidity are all what the Sun presents
Sun is a world different from yours
Curious you may be; but chasing the Sun for what?

What has the Sun got that completes the night?
The Sun is what devours your soul
Undoes every bit of peace you caressed
The breeze you tendered becomes a brickfielder
The shams you undressed again get decked up

Isn't it below your essence to chase such a fraudster?
The sinners of the day don’t deserve your love
The respect of your friends; does it count for nought
For, what is a night that surrenders to a day
Chase, if you must. Chase the depths of your soul

Where is your self-respect? My dear night.
My heart cries for you my night!



Her annoyance was like pleats of her saree.  Layered, symmetrical, tucked gently under a calm surface  Yet on days it was a riot of asymmetr...