Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Night View

the night walks through the stray shack
into the night, the night walks
onto the shore the night swims
then sails through the stranded ships
searching the missing day, lost sunshine

the night flies through the clouds
colours the sky in the colours of night
leaps to the stars and gazes at the moon
squeezes the hills in its embrace
searching the missing day, lost sunshine

the night sings to the silence of sleep
dances to the twinkles of the stars
rests on desert sands baked by the sun
kisses the jungles, tickles the grasses
searching the missing day, lost sunshine

the night is restless looking for the day
that dwells on the other side of the Earth
night has the moon, aping sunshine
Is moon the message for the night
searching the missing day, lost sunshine

night can never have the day
yet the sparks fly high when night sees the day
the dawn, the dusk and the eclipse
the night has to die for the day to arrive
searching the missing day, lost sunshine

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