There are things I should have said but did not say
unsaid and unheard they dwell in me as if jailed
There are sights you should have seen but did not see
unseen and unwelcome they dwell around you as if a shadow
There are moments we should have shared but did not share
unshared and discarded they are lost in such a way as if found
There are mountains I should have scaled but did not attempt
unscaled and untouched they stare at me as if aloof
There are depths you should have dragged me but did not
unfelt and untouched they pull you down as if quicksand
There are roads we should have taken but did not
untraveled and pending they invite us as if made for us
Yet, there are things I did say and you did hear
Yet, there are sights you have seen and I did point
Yet, there are moments we did share and we did enjoy
Yes, there are mountains unscaled. can't I attempt now? mountains still exist
Yes, there are depths untouched, can't you take me down? the depths unexplored
Yes, there are roads untraveled, can't we begin the journey now? roads still fresh
unsaid and unheard they dwell in me as if jailed
There are sights you should have seen but did not see
unseen and unwelcome they dwell around you as if a shadow
There are moments we should have shared but did not share
unshared and discarded they are lost in such a way as if found
There are mountains I should have scaled but did not attempt
unscaled and untouched they stare at me as if aloof
There are depths you should have dragged me but did not
unfelt and untouched they pull you down as if quicksand
There are roads we should have taken but did not
untraveled and pending they invite us as if made for us
Yet, there are things I did say and you did hear
Yet, there are sights you have seen and I did point
Yet, there are moments we did share and we did enjoy
Yes, there are mountains unscaled. can't I attempt now? mountains still exist
Yes, there are depths untouched, can't you take me down? the depths unexplored
Yes, there are roads untraveled, can't we begin the journey now? roads still fresh
Never too late