When you feel like visiting a cafe. Sit there staring into a book while you sip your hot cuppa
When you feel like walking on the pavement into the woods of nothingness
When you feel like scaling a mount with the sheer love of your sight or the hard trek
When you feel like feeling the sea like you are one with it and stay salting your skin
When you feel like couching and watch lives in a movie and ooze songs and drama as you reflect
When you feel like staring into files and not read anything. Just smelling the mould
When you feel like lying down and let the window show what it feels through the day
When you feel like feeling the floor and staring the ceiling to see the vastness between floor and ceil
When you feel like gazing the clouds through the drizzle and speak the Sun as it lurks
When you feel like blank in the crowd of thoughts and dazzle of worries
When you feel like time for action
In the spring of budding art and deeds
You will love to know there is a friend who feels just the same. May be a call?